Select your LEA’s monitoring tier and step below.

Welcome to Universal Monitoring. The CDE provides universal monitoring and support to all LEAs annually. This includes reviewing data, fiscal information and local assurances to ensure LEAs meet state and federal requirements. LEAs in this tier have no significant compliance issues or areas of concern. While they do not receive direct technical assistance, the CDE offers tools and resources to help LEAs voluntarily improve their systems and programs. Click here to view a Universal Tier At-A-Glance Handout.

Welcome to Targeted Monitoring. LEAs in the Targeted Tier of the CIM process focus on specific challenges identified through data analysis. They address these challenges and work to improve student outcomes. Click here to view a Targeted Tier At-A-Glance Handout. For additional assistance email

Welcome to Intensive Monitoring. LEAs identified for Intensive Monitoring face significant challenges, such as low performance on key indicators or disproportionality in services for students with disabilities. The intensive monitoring tier involves direct, ongoing assistance from technical assistance providers to address systemic issues and ensure compliance, helping LEAs implement meaningful changes to improve outcomes for all students. Click here to view an Intensive Tier At-A-Glance Handout. For additional assistance, email

Welcome to Intensive Level CIM for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) addressing Significant Disproportionality (Sig Dis)! Please click on the steps below to view the activities and resources available to support your team. All CIM activities are required for significantly disproportionate LEAs completing a Stepwell submission for a CIM plan. LEAs Submitting a CIM plan amendment for significant disproportionality should click on Step 4 to begin. If unclear about whether your LEA is to complete a Stepwell submission or a CIM plan amendment, please email us at Click here to view a Significant Disproportionality At-A-Glance Handout.

Welcome to the monitoring activities home page for local educational agencies (LEAs) designated as “Small”. For monitoring purposes, Small LEAs are defined as school districts and charter schools serving 100 or fewer students with disabilities on census day. Small LEAs are monitored annually for timeliness of IEPs, Restraint & Seclusion, and Disproportionality. Every six years, Small LEAs are also monitored cyclically (Cycles A, B, and C) for participation in CIM for Small LEAs (CIM-S). Most Small LEA monitoring activities are conducted independently by the LEA with technical assistance provided and accessed here. Please click on your LEA’s monitoring category below to view required activities, trainings, and resources available to support your team. For additional assistance, email us at