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Showing 1 through 21 of 461 Results

Team Creation Activity Handout

Effective Practice: Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)

This is a sample Postsecondary Transition Plan using effective practice.

Graduation Rate Improvement Plan: Research Support and Resources

The Graduation Rate Improvement Plan: Research Support and Resources guide is designed to be an interactive tool that provides teams access to updated research relating to dropout prevention as well as direct access to evidence based practices, applicable tools, and examples from the field.

Early Childhood Behavior Management Teaching and Reinforcing Rules

This short module which includes videos supports understanding the importance of teaching and reinforcing rules with young children, including those with disabilities, in early childhood environments.

SIP Inclusive Practices in Action: Co-Planning

Co-Planning Process - with Kern County Teachers at West High School, Andrew Diaz and Adriana Vasquez.

SIP Inclusive Practices in Action: Master Scheduling

Master Scheduling - with Kern County Asst. Principal of Instruction at Mira Monte High School, Leah Hatton.

UDL-Focused Lesson Study

Lesson study is about building knowledge of teacher strategies and habits around UDL.

Co-Teaching Reference Guide

Reference guide of co-teaching including benefits, do's and don'ts, models and considerations before implementation

Autism Identification and Supports for Early Childhood Students

Quick guide for educators and families on laws and policies related to the identification of students with Autism ages 3 and older.

Part C to B Transition At-A-Glance Assessment Team Leadership

Transitions occur for children and families across their lifespan. One major transition required within IDEA is when children turn 3 years old and transition out of Part C Early Intervention Programs into Part B Services for School-Aged Children. Families have procedural safeguards and protections that ensure they are fully informed about the process and options as their child is assessed for eligibility under Part B of the IDEA. Local LEAs have a requirement under the IDEA to ensure that 100% of the children receiving Part C services and found eligible for Part B, have Part B services in place by the child’s third birthday.

Play-based Assessment Observational Notes

Use this downloadable, fillable PDF during your assessments in order to capture play-based child observations!

An Administrative Designee's Checklist for IEP Meetings

IEP planning checklist from the High Quality IEPs project for the before, during, and after an IEP (Administrative Designee Edition)

SEL Simplified for Streamlined Success

In response to the need for educators to have accessible and connected resources to support SEL in one streamlined location, we have developed a helpful and easy to use resource aimed at connecting educators with aligned practices to support their students' social emotional learning.

Differential Reinforcement for Individuals with Autism

This AFIRM EBP Brief is designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring the EBP of Differential Reinforcement with learners with Autism.

Student Checklist for IEP Meetings

Student IEP checklist for student led IEPs.

Open Access UDL FlipKit

UDL FlipKit: The UDL-aligned instructional strategies and tools are organized according to the UDL principles. It is essential to understand that resources and strategies can be utilized for multiple UDL checkpoints, depending on the intended purpose of the lesson or activity and the barriers identified. Use the dropdown menus to explore strategies and digital tools to help eliminate barriers to learning within the learning environment or specific lesson plans being designed.

Family Guide to supporting Young People's Mental Health and Well-Being

This guide helps parents and other adult family members and caregivers navigate supporting the overall well-being and mental health of school-aged children, including tips for what can be difficult conversations. It offers information about the social and emotional development of young people and explains warning signs that may signal mental health challenges. It equips caregivers with targeted strategies, tools, and resources that help them advocate for their family, address each child’s specific needs, and access professional help.

Grad Partnership Team Reflection and Action Planning Tools

These team reflection and action planning tools, one for school based teams and one for district leadership, use a set of questions to guide inquiry, potential data sources, and related “look fors” that are focused on key attributes of effective student success systems. They are intended to spark courageous conversations that lead to reflection, collaboration, and innovation.

Family Engagement Toolkit. Continuous Improvement

The toolkit is designed to address the following questions and challenges: Family engagement activities are often isolated from other initiatives in districts; Family engagement staff in districts often work in a silo, not in collaboration with other district departments; Families of low-income students and families of students of color are often underrepresented in family engagement activities; Educators struggle with how to evaluate family engagement programs and activities, beyond tracking the number of participants attending events; While opportunities for family members to gain skills and knowledge are growing, building educators’ capacity to partner with families is not yet a focus in many districts.

The IEP Process: Guiding Questions

In order to assist IEP teams to have meaningful discussion during the development of each student's IEP team, the following questions have been developed as guidance. These guiding questions assist the IEP team in ensuring the IEP is reasonably calculated to provide educational benefit to the student.

Social Emotional Learning for Students with Autism-Infographic

This infographic depicts how EBPs for Autism can be implemented to support learners with Autism access to the CASEL 5 interrelated areas of social emotional competence.

A student sitting on the floor cross-legged smiling and looking at a laptop