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Spotlight Resources

California State Graduation Requirements: Considerations for Students with Disabilities
This resource outlines the available pathways for students with disabilities, whether they are eligible for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) assessments or the California Alternate Assessments (CAA). For students who are eligible for the CAA, this option is also known as the Alternative Pathway, providing an supportive and accessible route to graduation.

Graduation Rate Improvement Plan: Research Support and Resources
The Graduation Rate Improvement Plan: Research Support and Resources guide is designed to be an interactive tool that provides teams access to updated research relating to dropout prevention as well as direct access to evidence based practices, applicable tools, and examples from the field.

Grad Partnership Team Reflection and Action Planning Tools
These team reflection and action planning tools, one for school based teams and one for district leadership, use a set of questions to guide inquiry, potential data sources, and related “look fors” that are focused on key attributes of effective student success systems. They are intended to spark courageous conversations that lead to reflection, collaboration, and innovation.
Dig Deeper
Here you will find additional resources that support students with disabilities to graduate and reach their post-school goals. Resources cover topics such as tools for transition planning, a guide for building an early warning system to keep students on track to graduate, and team action planning.