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An Administrative Designee's Checklist for IEP Meetings
IEP planning checklist from the High Quality IEPs project for the before, during, and after an IEP (Administrative Designee Edition)

Student Checklist for IEP Meetings
Student IEP checklist for student led IEPs.

The IEP Process: Guiding Questions
In order to assist IEP teams to have meaningful discussion during the development of each student's IEP team, the following questions have been developed as guidance. These guiding questions assist the IEP team in ensuring the IEP is reasonably calculated to provide educational benefit to the student.
Dig Deeper
Here you will find additional resources to support crafting IEPs that maximize a student’s educational benefit and support LEAs with the processes and procedures to determine a student’s eligibility for special education. Resources cover topics such as: Special education timelines in California, building on student strengths, and the Administrator Designee’s Checklist for IEPs.
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The High Quality IEPs Project (HQ IEPs)
The High Quality IEPs Project (HQ IEPs) is excited to serve families and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) across California by providing training and resources to support meaningful engagement in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process. HQ IEPs envisions a future in which all LEAs, in partnership with families, have the capacity to develop high-quality IEPs, utilizing best practices, which results in meaningful participation and educational benefit for students.