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Showing 1 through 21 of 221 Results

Open Access UDL Implementation Roadmap

Whether LEAs are beginning the journey or starting implementation, the UDL Roadmap will guide the team through resources and tools to support the process.

Open Access UDL FlipKit

UDL FlipKit: The UDL-aligned instructional strategies and tools are organized according to the UDL principles. It is essential to understand that resources and strategies can be utilized for multiple UDL checkpoints, depending on the intended purpose of the lesson or activity and the barriers identified. Use the dropdown menus to explore strategies and digital tools to help eliminate barriers to learning within the learning environment or specific lesson plans being designed.

Universal Design for Learning for School and District Leaders

In this learning path, CCEE has distilled the essential understandings necessary to begin planning for and implementing Universal Design for Learning. It’s a 30,000 ft. view of UDL – the why, what, and how – and guidance for beginning your journey as a school or district.

Co-Teaching Reference Guide

Reference guide of co-teaching including benefits, do's and don'ts, models and considerations before implementation

Co-Teaching Reference Guide for Parents / Caregivers

Reference guide for parents/caregivers on: what is co-teaching, benefits of co-teaching, co-teaching models, and FAQs

AAC/Alternative and Augmentative Communication

This AFIRM EBP Brief is designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring the EBP of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) with learners with Autism.

Visual Supports for Individuals with Autism

This AFIRM EBP Brief is designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring the EBP of Visual Supports with learners with Autism. That, is, how to set up the environment for success.

Innovative and Inclusive Practices - Classroom Considerations and Strategies to Support Young Learners

This resource provides tips and considerations for early childhood educators and their staff for setting up classrooms and instruction for young children.

Co-Teaching FAQ

A reference document with frequently asked questions on co-teaching.

The California Advisory Commission on Special Education Annual Report: 2023–2024

The California Advisory Commission on Special Education Annual Report: 2023-2024

Considering the Needs of Students with Autism When Universally Designing for Successful Inclusive Opportunities

Considering the Needs of Students with Autism When Universally Designing for Successful Inclusive Opportunities

Day 1 - Session 07 - An Integrated Approach to Inclusion

From Supporting Inclusive Practices 2023 Conference. In this session the Sam Drazin from Changing Perspectives shares how focusing on SEL can create a foundation for inclusion. Day 1 - Session 07 - An Integrated Approach to Inclusion

Co-Teaching - Session One

Three part co-teaching community of practice series facilitated by SIP and CHIME administrative and teaching staff. Session 1 focused on community building and norm setting. Participants gained knowledge of all five co-teaching models and best practices for co-teaching partnerships. The session also covered successes and struggles that are already in existence for practitioners on implementing co-teaching.

Co-Teaching - Session Three

Three part co-teaching community of practice series facilitated by SIP and CHIME administrative and teaching staff. Session 3 expanded on vision setting and action planning and introduced inclusive master scheduling.

Co-Teaching - Session Two

Three part co-teaching community of practice series facilitated by SIP and CHIME administrative and teaching staff. Session 2 focused on why co-teaching, shifting mindsets, vision setting, and action planning.

The Power of Inclusion and Beyond Presented By, Sam Drazin Leveraging Disability Awareness to Build Confidence and Advocacy Skills Session Two

SIP webinar series presented by Sam Drazin focused on the what and why of disability and how to engage parents and caregivers as advocates for the children.

Equity By Design - Conference in a Box Webinar Series One: Presented by, Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin Session 2

The Equity by Design Conference in a Box series by Novak Education, presented by the SIP team focuses on the framework of Universal Design for Learning.This course has been created to share that UDL is so much more than how to design a lesson. Rather, it is about recognizing that every single learner has amazing assets that will allow them to learn at high levels when provided with grade-level instruction that is accessible, engaging, linguistically appropriate, culturally sustaining, and anti-racist.

Equity By Design - Conference in a Box Webinar Series One: Presented by, Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin Session 3

The Equity by Design Conference in a Box series by Novak Education, presented by the SIP team focuses on the framework of Universal Design for Learning.This course has been created to share that UDL is so much more than how to design a lesson. Rather, it is about recognizing that every single learner has amazing assets that will allow them to learn at high levels when provided with grade-level instruction that is accessible, engaging, linguistically appropriate, culturally sustaining, and anti-racist.

Equity By Design - Conference in a Box Webinar Series One: Presented by, Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin Session 4

The Equity by Design Conference in a Box series by Novak Education, presented by the SIP team focuses on the framework of Universal Design for Learning.This course has been created to share that UDL is so much more than how to design a lesson. Rather, it is about recognizing that every single learner has amazing assets that will allow them to learn at high levels when provided with grade-level instruction that is accessible, engaging, linguistically appropriate, culturally sustaining, and anti-racist.

Equity By Design - Conference in a Box Webinar Series One: Presented by, Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin Session 5

The Equity by Design Conference in a Box series by Novak Education, presented by the SIP team focuses on the framework of Universal Design for Learning.This course has been created to share that UDL is so much more than how to design a lesson. Rather, it is about recognizing that every single learner has amazing assets that will allow them to learn at high levels when provided with grade-level instruction that is accessible, engaging, linguistically appropriate, culturally sustaining, and anti-racist.

Equity By Design - Conference in a Box Webinar Series Two: Presented by, Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin Session 3

This multi-part series dives deeper into implicit bias, anti-racist practices, and the power and promise of design to deconstruct exclusionary systems. This webinar series includes components of Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin’s recently released book, Equity By Design: The Power and Promise of UDL.

A student sitting on the floor cross-legged smiling and looking at a laptop