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Showing 1 through 21 of 121 Results
Open Access UDL FlipKit
UDL FlipKit: The UDL-aligned instructional strategies and tools are organized according to the UDL principles. It is essential to understand that resources and strategies can be utilized for multiple UDL checkpoints, depending on the intended purpose of the lesson or activity and the barriers identified. Use the dropdown menus to explore strategies and digital tools to help eliminate barriers to learning within the learning environment or specific lesson plans being designed.
Universal Design for Learning for School and District Leaders
In this learning path, CCEE has distilled the essential understandings necessary to begin planning for and implementing Universal Design for Learning. It’s a 30,000 ft. view of UDL – the why, what, and how – and guidance for beginning your journey as a school or district.
Technology-Aided Intervention and Instruction
"This AFIRM EBP Brief is designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring the EBP of Technology-Aided Intervention and Instruction with learners with Autism."
Co-Teaching - Session One
Three part co-teaching community of practice series facilitated by SIP and CHIME administrative and teaching staff. Session 1 focused on community building and norm setting. Participants gained knowledge of all five co-teaching models and best practices for co-teaching partnerships. The session also covered successes and struggles that are already in existence for practitioners on implementing co-teaching.
Co-Teaching - Session Three
Three part co-teaching community of practice series facilitated by SIP and CHIME administrative and teaching staff. Session 3 expanded on vision setting and action planning and introduced inclusive master scheduling.
Co-Teaching - Session Two
Three part co-teaching community of practice series facilitated by SIP and CHIME administrative and teaching staff. Session 2 focused on why co-teaching, shifting mindsets, vision setting, and action planning.
Course of Study Session Four (5/13/2020)
SIP webinar focused on transition planning and services for students with disabilities.
Celebrating the Variability of Learners Module One
SIP webinar series focused on Universal Design for Learning and inclusive practices.
Mitigating Barriers to Access and Equity Through Lesson Design Module 3
SIP webinar series focused on Universal Design for Learning and inclusive practices.
Utilizing the UDL Framework to Develop Expert Learners Module 2
SIP webinar series focused on Universal Design for Learning and inclusive practices.
What the Heck is UDL?
SIP webinar series focused on Universal Design for Learning and inclusive practices.
Day 2 - Session 05 - High Leverage Practices for OUR Kids
From Supporting Inclusive Practices 2023 Conference. This session focuses on the use of high leverage practices in order to increase inclusive opportunties for students. Day 2 - Session 05 - High Leverage Practices for OUR Kids
Fifteen Minute Equity Lessons
The Equity Disproportionality and Design Project Equity lessons are designed to fit educators busy schedule. Each lesson is: A great way to start a routine for discussing equity, designed to be delivered in fifteen minutes or less during monthly meetings, comes with a handout
Guidance on the Use of Grade Retention and Special Education Eligibility to Address Instructional Loss
Guidance from the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) on the use of grade retention and special education eligibility to address instructional loss.
Paving the Road to Inclusion Merging Playful UPK Experiences With Strong Math and Literacy Foundations Session 2
A training to explore the importance of taking calculated risk and embrace the idea of play as an engine for the whole child development.
Unfinished Learning
Unfinished Learning focuses on six specific instructional principles for supporting students with unfinished learning due to unprecedented school closures. Principles are put into context with examples in both ELA and Math specific to supporting grade transitions through prioritizing concepts and skills in terms of progressions of learning.
Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ) Formative Assessment
Developed in partnership with Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ), this learning path will focus specifically on strategies for assessing student- and classroom-level needs for academic or socio-emotional supports. The emphasis is on helping students recover from COVID-related learning loss, disruption, or trauma and strategies allow for implementation in virtual, hybrid, or in-person classrooms.
Circle Organizer
This Circle Organizer can help provide a visual sequence of steps involved in the process of a specific task.
Concept Map
This Concept Map provides a graphic means to help students link key concepts, definitions, and supporting details or examples.
Data Diagram
This Data Diagram provides a way to visually organize a key concept and supporting aspects or details to aid memory and retention of information.
Direct Instruction EBP for ASD Brief Packet
This AFIRM EBP Brief is designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring the EBP of Direct Instruction with learners with Autism.