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Showing 1 through 10 of 20 Results
Key Component #2: Pathway to High School Graduation (Before the IEP)
Transition planning is essential for guiding a student’s journey from high school to post-secondary life. Review how educators can collaborate with students to craft a vision and explore future possibilities, laying the groundwork for developing the Individual Transition Plan (ITP).
Course of Study Session Four (5/13/2020)
SIP webinar focused on transition planning and services for students with disabilities.
Effective Assessment Strategies that Inform Post-Secondary Transition Goals Session Two (4/29/2020)
SIP webinar focused on transition planning and serives for students withe disabilities.
The Critical Role of the Family in Transition Planning Session Five (5/20/2020)
SIP webinar focused on transition planning and services for students withe disabilities.
The Transition Landscape Session One (4/22/2020)
SIP webinar focused on transition planning and serives for students withe disabilities.
Transition Services that Lead to Post-Secondary Success Session Three (5/6/2020)
SIP webinar focused on transition planning and serives for students withe disabilities.
Legal Mandates for Transition
SIP webinar focused on transition planning and services for students withe disabilities.
SIP Transition Planning Collaboration Session Six (5/27/2020)
SIP webinar focused on transition planning and services for students withe disabilities.
Transition Panel Discussion
SIP Video - Learn from a student, parent and IEP team experience about how they designed inclusive opportunities and IEPs that resulted in a transition to a four - year college!
Effective Practice: Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)
This is a sample Postsecondary Transition Plan using effective practice.