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Showing 1 through 10 of 220 Results

Open Access UDL Implementation Roadmap

Whether LEAs are beginning the journey or starting implementation, the UDL Roadmap will guide the team through resources and tools to support the process.

Open Access UDL FlipKit

UDL FlipKit: The UDL-aligned instructional strategies and tools are organized according to the UDL principles. It is essential to understand that resources and strategies can be utilized for multiple UDL checkpoints, depending on the intended purpose of the lesson or activity and the barriers identified. Use the dropdown menus to explore strategies and digital tools to help eliminate barriers to learning within the learning environment or specific lesson plans being designed.

Universal Design for Learning for School and District Leaders

In this learning path, CCEE has distilled the essential understandings necessary to begin planning for and implementing Universal Design for Learning. It’s a 30,000 ft. view of UDL – the why, what, and how – and guidance for beginning your journey as a school or district.

Co-Teaching Reference Guide

Reference guide of co-teaching including benefits, do's and don'ts, models and considerations before implementation

Co-Teaching Reference Guide for Parents / Caregivers

Reference guide for parents/caregivers on: what is co-teaching, benefits of co-teaching, co-teaching models, and FAQs

AAC/Alternative and Augmentative Communication

This AFIRM EBP Brief is designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring the EBP of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) with learners with Autism.

Visual Supports for Individuals with Autism

This AFIRM EBP Brief is designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring the EBP of Visual Supports with learners with Autism. That, is, how to set up the environment for success.

Co-Teaching FAQ

A reference document with frequently asked questions on co-teaching.

BASICS for Special Education

The BASICS Tool features two great components to support LEA and SELPAs. The first component is the BASIC Infrastructure Assessment Tool. The BASICS infrastructure Assessment tool identifies six basic, or foundational, components for the kind of infrastructure needed in order to have a well-functioning special education program. It also provides a tool for examining the degree to which these components are in place in your system. The results of that examination can help you decide where best to start system improvement efforts. The second component of the BASICS tool is the IEP Data Visualization Tool, this tool works with your SEDS (Special Education Data System) generated reports to create data visualizations for IEP overdue Eligibility evaluations or overdue next evaluation plan reviews.

Considering the Needs of Students with Autism When Universally Designing for Successful Inclusive Opportunities

Considering the Needs of Students with Autism When Universally Designing for Successful Inclusive Opportunities

A student sitting on the floor cross-legged smiling and looking at a laptop