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Showing 1 through 10 of 83 Results
The IEP Process: Guiding Questions
In order to assist IEP teams to have meaningful discussion during the development of each student's IEP team, the following questions have been developed as guidance. These guiding questions assist the IEP team in ensuring the IEP is reasonably calculated to provide educational benefit to the student.
Student Checklist for IEP Meetings
Student IEP checklist for student led IEPs.
An Administrative Designee's Checklist for IEP Meetings
IEP planning checklist from the High Quality IEPs project for the before, during, and after an IEP (Administrative Designee Edition)
Assessment for Learning in Extraordinary Times
How do you know if students are with you at the beginning, middle, and end of a lesson? Can formative assessment offer a key to better teaching and learning during instruction? In this three-part series, participants will learn how to blend different formative assessment moves in the classroom, with intention and care for all students, to help make better instructional decisions.
IF/Then Scenarios for IEP Compliance
When looking at potential causes for chronically overdue IEPs, LEAs that have gone through a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) have shared some common struggles in their processes. This document takes some of the most common bottlenecks and gives suggestions to help your LEA move through challenges.
Educational Benefit Checklist
These suggested questions were developed by members of the SELPA Administrators of California to address the legal requirements of IDEA, state law, and the State Performance Plan, as appropriate. These questions should be considered general guidance and not a replacement/substitute for local policies and procedures.
Checking for Incorrect "Next" Dates(SEIS)
In SEIS, the "Next" dates are used to trigger alerts on the Dashboard, and they are also used for the IEP Data Visualization tool. As the "Next" dates are the only way staff know when the IEP is due, the correct entry of these dates is important. These directions help LEAs review the dates for accuracy.
IEP Compliance Monitoring
Across California, there are four common themes that have been identified when Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings are overdue due to data reporting. LEAs may consider the strategies below to assist in accurate reporting of timely IEPs.
Why doesn't my 16.8 match my IEP System?
As LEAs review the CALPADS Accountability and Monitoring 16.8 report and compare to their data in their IEP system (or Special Education Data System "SEDS"), there may be discrepancies. Some of the most common factors for those discrepancies are shared below.
Imperial County SELPA Infographic CA Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities, Chapter 1: Students with Disabilities who may be Identified as English Learners, Infographic
Infographic Overview of Chapter 1. Students with Disabilities who may be Identified as English Learners. The Imperial County SELPA has taken the each chapter of the CDE published CA Practitioners' Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities and created a series of chapter-by-chapter infographics which provide an overview of the chapter to include hyperlinks to pertinent sections of the chapter, supporting resources, and citations from the CA Practitioners' Guide, CA Education Code, and reference to the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Chapter by chapter infographics can also be downloaded in 'block' formats for use as training slides/presentation materials. All chapter by chapter infographics can be accessed via the Imperial County SELPA website: